Architecture of .NET 4.5 - Part 3

In this tutorial, we will discuss latest architecture of .NET framework 4.5 in Visual Studio 2012.

Components of .NET 4.5 Architecture:
  • Common Language Runtime: CLR acts as runtime environment for .NET framework which runs the code and provides services to make the development process much easier.    
  • Base Class Library: It provides a set of base class libraries which provides set of functions, interfaces, classes and features which can be used with any programming language which implements .NET framework.
  • Portable Class Library: It allows you to develop and build managed assemblies which enables you to work on multiple .NET Framework platforms.
  • Managed Extensibility Framework: It is a library for creating lightweight extensible applications. It also allows application developers to discover and use extensions with no configuration required. It enables extensions to be used across applications as well.
  • Dynamic Language Runtime: It provides runtime environment for execution of dynamic languages such as Ruby, Python etc. under full control of CLR.
  • WinRT: Windows Runtime APIs provides the user interface elements for building Windows Store Apps and provides access to Windows 8 or Windows RT OS features.
  • ASP.NET: It is used to build rich interface web enabled applications.
  • Windows Store Apps: It is an application that runs on Windows 8 devices and can take advantage of WinRT APIs.
  • Desktop Apps(Windows Forms): It is a traditional Windows App running and developed for Windows XP, Windows  Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Examples include Office Products, Notepad etc.
  • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): It is used to create applications with rich user experience. It includes UI, 2D graphics, 3D graphics and multimedia taking advantage of modern graphics card.
  • Silver Light: It allows designers and developers to build Rich Internet Applications (RIA) embedded in web pages.
  • ADO.NET: It is used to create data access layer to query and manipulate data from underlying data source like SQL Server,Oracle etc.
  • Language Integrated Query (LINQ): It allows you to query data from various data sources(like Collections, Generics, SQL Databases, Datasets) using a SQL query like syntax with .NET framework languages like C# and VB.
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework: It is Object Relational Mapping(ORM) framework which is used to query and store data in relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle etc.
  • Parallel Extension: It allows you to distribute your work code across multiple processors to take advantage of hardware.
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): It is used for building and developing services based on WS-* Standards.
  • ASP.NET Web API: It is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad range of clients such as mobiles, browsers, iPhone and tablets.
  • Signal R: It is a library that simplifies the process of adding real time web functionality to applications. Real-time web functionality means the ability to push server side content to connected clients instantly as it becomes available, rather than having the server wait for the client to request new data.
  • Windows Work Flow(WF): It is a process to design and structure business oriented process workflow and rules engine.
  • Visual Studio 2012: This IDE offers a set of tools that help you to write and modify the code for your programs, also detect any bugs, correct errors, and building your project solutions. You can build Mobile apps, Desktop apps, Windows Store apps, ASP.NET web apps, communication services and web services.

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